Tools to help you Move Forward

Ideas from the 9/8/15 Meeting “Tools to help you Move Forward” Note: These are in alphabetical order. Please forgive me if I’ve forgotten something…I was very engaged in your stories and sometimes forgot to write! Nanci also suggested some simple things that can make a big difference: taking a bubble bath; getting a massage; lighting a scented candle.

Check out this great little article on scents that can affect your well‐being. Who knew that pine could alleviate stress? And watch out for pumpkins!‐and‐wellbeing_n_5193609

Take good care of yourself. – Joy Kirsch

 Bible Study

 Exercise

 Getting your Finances in order

 Give and Receive Hugs

 Grief Classes such as those put on by the Visiting Nurses Association

 Get a Pet (or spend time with the ones you have)

 Humor/ Laughter

 Meditation

 Movie (Pixar’s Inside Out was recommended. Who volunteers to organize a group outing?)

 Music (don’t forget to pull off the road if you’re driving! Please be safe!)

 Painting Classes

 Pilates

 Poetry (Writing & Reading)

 Practicing Gratitude

 Prayer/Devotionals

 Scheduling time on your Calendar to Grieve (Give yourself that gift!)

 Staying Busy; Saying “Yes” to every Invitation

 Travel

 Trying something New

 Volunteer

 Walking

 Wine (in moderation )

 Yoga

Self-CareBetty Bagan